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Here you can find a non-exhaustive overview of funding opportunities for researchers going to Belgium or coming to the US.

We use abbreviations:

  • OUT: from Belgium to the US
  • IN: from the US to Belgium
FNRS (Wallonia and Brussels)

The Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) strives to develop fundamental scientific research within the framework of initiatives presented by researchers. By. supporting individual researchers as well as financing research programmes conducted in laboratories located within the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Explore Funding Opportunities from FNRS (OUT) →
Explore Funding Opportunities from FNRS (IN) →

FWO (Flanders)

The counterpart of the FNRS for the Flemish comunity is the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). They strive to support  ground-breaking fundamental and strategic research at the universities within the Flemish Community. They also strive to encourage collaborations between Flemish universities and other research institutes.

Explore Funding Opportunities from FWO (OUT) →
Explore Funding Opportunities from FWO (IN) → including the Odysseus programme →

WBI (Wallonia and Brussels)

Another organisation that provides funding opportunities for researchers if Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI). They mediate international policy for Wallonia, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the French Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Explore Funding Opportunities from WBI. WORLD
Explore Funding Opportunities from IN. WBI →


The Belgian American Educational Foundation Inc. provides an exchange Fellowship program to enable deserving Belgians to pursue higher education in the US and vice-versa.

Explore BAEF Fellowships for Belgians →
Explore BAEF Fellowships for Americans →


To increase mutual understanding between individuals from the US and individuals from other countries, the U.S government is sponsoring the Fulbright international educational exchange program.

Explore FULBRIGHT Awards for Belgians, Luxembourgers and Europeans →
Explore FULBRIGHT Awards for Americans →

UGent – Harvard University – Strategic Institutional Partnership

A partnership exists between UGent and Harvard University to strengthen collaborations. They also strive to enhance outbound and inbound mobility of researchers and to provide a platform for new initiatives. Their funding can be used for a variety of purposes including travel, accommodation and operating costs (excluding equipment) with the goal of obtaining preliminary data to increase subsequent grant opportunities.

Explore Funding Opportunities from UGent (Harvard University Partnership) →

First Entreprise International (Wallonia OUT)

Walloon companies can receive funding to hire a researcher that will be trained and conduct research through an internship. This internship can either take place in  a research center established in a member state of the European Union or in a research center established outside the European Union within the framework of  a host country cooperation agreement with Wallonia.

Explore Funding Opportunities from First Entreprise International (OUT) →

Brains for Brussels (Brussels IN)

If you are planning to setup your research in Brussels, then Brains for Brussels can help support you.

Explore Funding Opportunities from Brains For Brussels (IN) →

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